Sunita Reddy (Asso. Prof.) is a medical anthropologist, teaching public health in Jawaharlal Nehru University since 2004. Before joining JNU, she taught briefly at IIT Delhi, Dep. Of Sociology, D’School, DU, Sri. Venkateshara College, DU. She also worked with NIPCCD and other organization like SAMA, FHI.
The research carried out by the scholar are of various fields. The major contribution is in the subject of ‘Disasters’ followed by women and child health. The scholar has been the core member to start a special centre in Disaster Studies, in JNU and also been in the panel of experts at the National Disaster Management Authority. Developed courses on disasters. Most of the research is action-based and addresses policy issues.
Other areas of public health are Medical Tourism, Health Insurance, Surrogacy, Child Birth, Child-rearing practices, Breastfeeding, Migrant workers etc. Most of the research has been disseminated on various platforms, published and led to advocacy and policy recommendations. The scholar also believes in popular writing for the general public and participates in the panel discussions in NDTV, RSTV, CNN-IBN, Zee Salam etc.
She is the Founder Chair of Anthropos India Foundation (AIF), established in 2012, which applies anthropological philosophy, methods to do action and applied research. AIF is currently researching on the issues of child abuse, indigenous healing systems and women empowerment. AIF is going to co-publish a book series ‘People, Communities and Societies: Understanding and Documenting Cultural Diversities’ with Springer Nature. AIF has collaborated with STC, CRY, SECI, WVI, IGNCA and other organizations so far. On a personal front, she got ‘Women Empowerment Award’ on International Women’s day, 2021. She is a classical dancer, got a national award in sports and is fond of music and travelling.
1. Reddy S, editor. The Asian Tsunami and Post-Disaster Aid. Springer; 2018 Jul 11.
2. Acharya SS, Sen S, Punia M, Reddy S, editors. Marginalization in Globalizing Delhi: Issues of Land, Livelihoods and Health. Springer India; 2017.
3. Reddy S. Clash of Waves: Post Tsunami Relief and Rehabilitation in Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Indos Books; 2013.
Publications in Peer Reviewed International/ National Journals
1. Kaspar H, Reddy S. Spaces of connectivity: The formation of medical travel destinations in Delhi National Capital Region (India). Asia Pacific Viewpoint. 2017 Aug;58(2):228-41.
2. Qadeer I, Reddy S. Medical tourism in India: perceptions of physicians in tertiary care hospitals. Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine. 2013 Dec;8(1):1-0.
3. Tanderup M, Reddy S, Patel T, Nielsen BB. Informed consent in medical decision?making in commercial gestational surrogacy: a mixed methods study in New Delhi, India. Acta obstetricia et gynecologica Scandinavica. 2015 May;94(5):465-72.
4. Tanderup M, Reddy S, Patel T, Nielsen BB. Reproductive ethics in commercial surrogacy: Decision-making in IVF clinics in New Delhi, India. Journal of bioethical inquiry. 2015 Sep;12(3):491-501.
5. Reddy S, Patel T. “There are many eggs in my body”: medical markets and commodified bodies in India. Global Bioethics. 2015 Oct 2;26(3-4):218-31.
6. Reddy S. Art Bill Still Pending, When Will Surrogates Get Their Due Share in India. Review Pub Administration Manag. 2016;4(184):2.
7. Bharati SR. Socio-economic dimensions of breast-feeding-a study in Hyderabad. Health Popul Perspect Issues. 2000;23:144-59.
8. Reddy S, Qadeer I. Medical tourism in India: progress or predicament?. Economic and political weekly. 2010 May 15:69-75.
9. Reddy S. Health of tribal women and children: An interdisciplinary approach. Indian Anthropologist. 2008 Jul 1:61-74.
10. Reddy S. Socio-economic dimensions of breast-feeding-a study in Hyderabad. Health Popul Perspect Issues. 2000;23:144-59.
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