Dr. Shalini Rao N

R V Teachers College, Bangalore.

Educational Qualification- B.Sc, M.Ed, M.Phil ,  Ph.D. in education.

Experience-Total teaching experience is 25years.

8 years as an assistant mistress in High School -taught Physics and Mathematics.

And 22years of experience as Asst. Professor in Education in R.V. Teachers College and handling undergraduate, post-graduate and Ph.D., classes.

Guided more than twenty students for their PG dissertations.

Subject Expertise- Educational Psychology, Pedagogy of Mathematics, Research Methodology and Educational Measurement and Evaluation.

Has attended and presented both thematic and research papers in number of national and international seminars.

Has participated in various faculty development programs both as a participant and as a resource person.

Several research papers have been published in international and National journals in the field of both Educational Psychology and pedagogy of mathematics.

Many research projects were also undertaken -

Completed a major project sanctioned by ICSSR (Indian Council of Social Science Research) titled, “Effect of two year B.Ed course on socio psychological factors of B.Ed., trainees of Bangalore University”.

Studied a paper on ‘Curriculum Development’ as an elective at post graduation level.

Has given talks on NEP 2020 for teachers of both secondary and higher secondary level. 

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